The World Crypto Economic Forum by Celsius (WCEF) took place online on June 2&3rd, and welcomed entrepreneurs, venture capital investors and blockchain industry leaders.
The forum has become a continuation of the tradition established 3 years ago for experts to gather together and discuss the main news and prospects for the development both in the business (Web3, DeFi, DAO, NFT, Meta, IDO, etc.) and technological worlds (everything blockchain). Among other sponsors who supported the forum were Storj and Uptick.
Michael Arrington (TechCrunch) and Dr. Chandra Duggirala (Portal) were speakers on the WCEF. Mr Arrington discussed the future of crypto and Mr Duggirala took part at the DeFi Panel dedicated to the latest in crypto derivatives, Curv Wars, USDT, UST Collapse, decentralized algo stablecoins, DeFi on Bitcoin. They also participated in networking sessions and Q&A sessions. A number of notable entrepreneurs and blockchain professionals also attended, such as Vinny Lingham (Waitroom/Civic Technologies), Jonathan Nelson (HF.Capital), Nathalie Kara (Propy), Lori Corpuz (@ NFT OASIS), Miko Matsumura (Gumi Cryptos Capital), Greg Osuri (Akash Network), William Bear (Nearverse) and others.
Dozens of other topics were discussed. Michele Neitz, Founding Director of the Blockchain Law for Social Good Center presented his vision of Crypto regulation and policy. Leah Callon-Butler, director of Emfarsis and columnist of Coindesk made a speech about crypto for the unbanked. And Omar ElNaggar, Co-Founder and CEO of Weavechain, made a statement that Web2 stinks and Web3 data is more secure and more valuable. All the recordings are available.