It is always the case with anything that achieves astronomical success in just a short amount of time, that it will simultaneously be met with a significant amount of doubt and skepticism. The colossal growth of blockchain and cryptocurrency is a perfect example of this. Since its launch in 2007, the technology has dealt with many cynics chalking it up to be a fraud with no actual value at all, or a conspiracy theory played out by some grand puppet master that will eventually all come crashing down. While there have been many instances where the legitimacy and security of blockchain have been rightfully questioned, there are companies that are taking this into account, and are adamantly proactive about it.
Fighting Brand Abuse
BrandShield is an cyber intelligence company fighting brand abuse online by monitoring for trademark infringement, counterfeit sales and brand abuse across multiple platforms: websites, marketplaces, mobile apps, PPC ads, and social media. The company has recently launched MyShield, its own anti-scam platform that tackles phishing and online scams, which so evidently plague the crypto industry. The MyShield technology will initiate a chain reaction, and will work to protect its partners, and any users of those partners’ platforms. Cool Cousin and Zeex are the two most recent partners to collaborate with MyShield and actively stand behind its mission to create an alliance between all members of the crypto community.
Cool Cousin is a travel company operating on the blockchain to connect travelers and like-minded locals for on demand guidance through its app, available for both online and mobile devices. Now, rather than spending endless amounts of time researching a certain destination, only to come up with a list of average recommendations, users can engage for personalized guidance. Zeex is a decentralized shopping platform offering a wide array of products and services directly from businesses without the need for traditional fiat currency. In less technical terms, now users are able to actually use cryptocurrency for everyday goods and services. Both of these companies are legitimate in their goals to earn user trust and protect its product, which has been extremely difficult for reputable companies to achieve, given that the space is clouded with scams and infringements.
The Power of Collaboration
For MyShield, collaborations such as these, strengthen the company’s belief that it is making a difference in the cryptocurrency world by fighting vigorously against online scams. As the customer base continues to grow, MyShield will be able to increasingly protect its users and the overall crypto community. The consolidation of proactive community involvement and AI technology will provide confidence, help to stop infringements for companies, and supply information and monetization options for solution providers. MyShield is building favorable guarantees for all involved: online items are low risk, incentives will be offered for marking suspicious activities as scam, in addition to a money-back-guarantee for premium users.
While this is all very promising and impressive, it is still too early to say whether online brand abuse will now be eliminated completely. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are still relatively new, and are constantly developing and evolving. It will take strategic involvement from all parties involved for online fraud to come to a halt. Also, as with any technological boom, skepticism and apprehension towards trusting these blockchain companies, will always exist in one way or another.
What can be confidently said, though, is that MyShield is a definite step in the right direction because MyShield is placing the accreditation of the industry back into the hands of crypto users. MyShield is committed to protecting the Internet by through building coalition between all parties involved.
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